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***Join Waiting List for the New Facebook News Feed...!

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Hiee Everyone....Gud Morning nd Wish u all A Very Happy Shivaratri...

We all know that Facebook is going to Lauch its new Facebook News Feed in the Month of March 2013...

So,if u wanna get it as soon as it is Launched and surprise your friends.....

You need to Join the waiting list of the New Facebook News Feed...

To join the waiting list just follow the following Steps...

1)First Log into your Facebook account

2)Then copy paste the foolowing url in the Address bar and press Enter.

***Untold Truths of Gandhji?

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Father of our Nation "Mahatma Gandhi", Some of his Untold truths which many of us doesnt Know......

1. Gandhi used to sleep with girls of aged between 18 to 25. Very few people know about this but its true
(for detail you can read books by Dr L .R. BALI named “RANGEELA GANDHI” & “KYA GANDHI MAHATMA THE”)
the girls who slept with Gandhi accepted this. Gandhi used to say that he is doing all this for his
BRAHMCHARI Experiments. What from his experiments he was wanted to prove nobody knows? Gandhi himself
accepted this that at the time of going to London for higher studies he decided to keep himself away from MEAT
, DARU and SEX, but he accepted that he could not control himself in the matter of SEX.

2. Gandhi went to South Africa just for earning money and name because here in India he could not do well(flop)
 there he went mainly to save Abdullah &co. whose business was of smuggling and charged very much for this.

3. In 1932, Gandhi collected 1crore & 32 lakh Rs in the name of “TILAK SWRAJ” fund, which
was collected for the use of DALITS. However, he did not spend even a single penny on DALITS.

4. In his whole life Gandhi kept on shouting that, he is in the supports AAHINSA. However, at the
time of Second World War he himself sends Indian army for the fight from England side.
AAHINSA kaha geye uss waqt?

***Shutdown your computer scheduled without any software?

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Hiee Everyone...After a long time Here is a new and Exiting trick....

Want to shutdown your computer after a particular time?

We work a lot of hours on our computers mainly during the nights and may even fall sleep is the middle....

So,the system is left without shuting down all the night..

You may also listen to songs in the Nights and fall Sleep....

So,in order to avoid this i am gonna tell you a small trick but very usefull trick to shutdown your computer at a particular time without any Software or Application...

This is just a small Run command which makes the System automatically Shutdown at a given time...


1)All you have to do is just open the RUN command,
you can open it in the start Menu or by pressing the shortcut key Windows key+R...

Permanently Deleted Files Recovery Solution?

Friday, 1 March 2013

Hiee Folks.....Gud Mrng.....

Did you Delete your Files in an hurry or Someone Else Deleted it.....and they are also not present in the Recyclebin?

What ever may be you Have lost your Important Files/Data?

Here we go 2day i am going to recover them for you now........

There are many softwares for recovery your deleted files....

But,the one i support and everyone support is to use Recuva software...

Recuva is the Best Data recovery Software...

It can reccover your files from the Hard disk and even form the mass storages like Memory cards etc....

So...For recovering your Files Recuva is the Best Way..........

Here is the process on how to Recover your files from both the Hard disk and 

Memoery cards using Recuva...


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